
The cutest treats you can make with the family

The cutest treats you can make with the family

A way to warm yourself and your family up a bit these days is to make your own desserts or treats together. Do your kids also like to help you in the kitchen? Today I'm sharing fun tips for treats that are easy to make with kids.

Together with the family

Although supermarkets these days are full of the most elaborate treats and desserts that look delectable, there is still nothing more fun than making your own desserts. It is especially fun to involve your family in this, so the kids can also see how you can easily make some delicious dessert for after dinner.

Making children's ice cream

It sounds simple and it certainly is. All you need to make children's ice creams are wooden sticks and some small children's yogurts. Still, the kids often like it because they can see how easy it is to make ice cream. If you first open the yogurts then poke the sticks into them. Now put the yogurts in the fridge for 24 hours and voila, a fun kids ice cream is born.


  • Children's yogurt
  • Wooden sticks (or old ice cream sticks)

Fruit with an unhealthy coating

This dessert is healthy with a little bit of unhealthy on top. It's easy to make and certainly doesn't take much effort, while the kids love doing it.

Make sure you have a bowl of chocolate (preferably a bowl of melted chocolate and not chocolate milk or powder). Take a banana, strawberry or even piece of apple and dip them in chocolate. Then put chocolate covered fruit in the fridge. A few hours later you have a delicious chocolate fruit dessert. You can also add sprinkles, colored sprinkles to it before you put it in the fridge.


  • Melted chocolate
  • Fruit (strawberry, banana or almost any other kind of fruit)
  • Optional: sprinkles or sprinkles

The most fun baking cookies with kids

It is always optional to bake your own cookies as well. This is a fun family activity and is easy to make. It is extra fun for the kids if you make the cookies with icing. You can determine the figure of the cookies by using baking figures.

Put the wheat flour in a bowl and add butter and cinnamon. Now start mixing and kneading until a cohesive dough forms. Then let it rest for about 30 min in the refrigerator (do wrap the dough in aluminum foil beforehand). After 30 minutes you can take it out and you should roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a sheet about 2 cm thick. Now use the baking tins to cut the figures and then place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Now put them in the oven at about 170 degrees and after about 15 min get the cookies out golden brown. The icing is made using 100 grams of powdered sugar and about 1 tablespoon of liquid (this can be lemonade, milk or other flavor extract). Make sure to keep the ratio of powdered sugar and liquid in proportion otherwise it will be too watery.


  • Powdered sugar (100 grams)
  • Edible liquid (1 teaspoon: lemonade, water, milk or fruit extract)
  • cinnamon
  • Wheat flour (130 grams)
  • Cream Butter (120)
  • Baking form

These are simple treats but you may be looking for more inspiration? Check out my blog on where to get the best inspiration for cooking.